Norwegian Mountains, Oppland

Løkjeshovda, 698m

Fylke/Kommune : Oppland/Øystre Slidre
Maps : 1617-II Slidre (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : 100m
Hiked : Apr 2011
See also :
Bitihorn Fodnesåsen
See also : Other Oppland  mountains on


(Click for larger image)


Løkjeshovda is found near Storefoss between Heggefjorden and Volbufjorden and approx. 18km northwest of Fagernes. This higher mountain Kvithovd (1001m) is found 3,3km to the west.

There are several routes to the top. The most popular routes most likely run from the south (near the school). Another route follows a forest road from Heggefjorden and up the north side. This page will describe a fun route (off-trail) that runs up the ski jumping hill on the east side and passes the antenna. This is however definitely not the easiest route to the top...


Summer activities in the ski jumping hill

Summer activities in the ski jumping hill
(Click for larger image)


Primary factor:

Løkjeshovda (Norge 1:50,000: 698m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 698,24m, UTM 32 V 503606 6777096) has a primary factor of 100m towards the higher parent Kvithovd (1001m) The defining saddle (approx. 32 V 502723 6776909) is found near Istad, west of Løkjeshovda. Ref. Økonimisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 595-600m, interpolated to 598m.


View from the antenna

View from the antenna
(Click for larger image)


Google map

Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.


Google maps
Google maps
(Click on image)



Trail descriptions

Route 1: Storefoss - Løkjeshovda  (spring/summer/autumn)

Difficulty : YDS Class 2+
Exposure : A tricky spot above the ski jumping hill
Distance : Approx. 0,9km to the top (2D distance)
Time : Approx. 45-60 minutes to the top
Starting Elev.: Approx. 490m  (trailhead)
Vertical Gain : Approx. 200m (total)
Map of the area
Map of the area
(No Javascript)
Detailed map
Detailed map
(No Javascript)

This route description is valid per Apr 2011


(all distances are approx. distances)

The starting point for this route description is Storefossen by RV51, between Heggefjorden and Volbufjorden. From the junction at RV51 (N61.13153 E9.08462), turn west onto the road to Volbu/Storefoss/Herangtunet (signposted). Drive 100 meters, cross Storefoss on a bridge and continue 300 meters. Turn right to the ski jumping arena and find parking there (N61.12881 E9.08025).

The route

Head up the largest ski jumping hill (there are two). Once on top, getting onto the forest ridge can be a little awkward (steep and loose gravel). Be careful. Continue (off-trail) up to the antenna (N61.12913 E9.07235). Continue west along a path. After approx. 250 meters, you reach a Gapahuk (N61.12907 E9.06801). The top is now 85 meters to the southwest, and you get there along a forest path. The top (N61.12844 E9.06694) is not marked.

If you want a round trip; descend along the forest road/path to the north. After 1km, you reach the road down by Heggefjorden. Turn right (east) and follow this road back to the main road (1km). Your car is now only 400 meters away. This description is solely based on reading the map...


The route up the ski jumping hill

The route up the ski jumping hill
(Click for larger image) Other Oppland mountains Other Norwegian mountains