Knutshøe, 1517m

Mountain area : Valdresflya
Fylke/Kommune : Oppland/xx
Maps : xx (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary Factor: 427m
Hiked : June 1998
The Knutshoe ridge

The Knutshoe ridge

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Do not confuse Knutshøe/Knutshøi/Knutshø by lake Gjende with the Knutshø mountains on Dovrefjell. Knutshøe by lake Gjende is a long ridge that cuts between lakes øvre and nedre Leirungen. The northwest side of the ridge falls down to lake Gjende. The ridge is popular amongst hikers, and you will find a well worn path across the ridge.

Knutshøe is a good alternative to the more famous neighbour ridge Besseggen. From a litterature perspective, there is a debate if Peer Gynt was thinking of Knutshøe instead of Besseggen when he spoke of "Gjendineggen". Parts of the Knutshøe ridge is steep and airy in places, but does not let this prevent you from visiting this fun mountain when you are passing Valdresflya.

Primary Factor

Knutshøe has a primary factor of 427m towards the higher Bruskardknappen. The saddle is found at the east end of the ridge, where the 1100m contours meet. The saddle is interpolated to 1090m.

Trail descriptions:

Note: Class ratings are in reference to YDS (Yosemite Decimal System).

Valdresflya - Knutshøe (summer, autumn)

Difficulty : Class 2/2+
Comments : At times steep and airy
Distance :
Time : Approx. 1,5 hours to summit (w/o pause)
Starting Elev.: Approx. 1140m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 400m

Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Map of the area
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From Valdresflya Vandrerhjem, drive northbound approx. 10Km and locate a turnout on the left hand side on the way down Vargebakkan. The trail begins here.

The route

Cross the river Varga via bridge and follow unmarked, but visible trail in direction of Knutshøe. The trail follows for the most part the high ridge. The initial section is steep. Look closely for the trail. One may contine over the summit and return to the trailhead via path in Leirungsdalen valley.

It's been too long since I did this hike, and the details have escaped me.

Pictures from the June 1998 hike:

Move cursor to read notes, and click on the images to see full version.
Some of the thumbnails may have been cropped to fit the format.
Pictures are presented in the order they were taken.
Pictures have been scanned and has poor quality.

1. Passing Bitihorn on the way to Knutshoe (156KB) 2. On the way up the ridge (140KB) 3. Lake Gjende comes into view (104KB) 4. The highway seen from Knutshoe ridge (102KB) 5. On the Knutshoe ridge (103KB) 6. Bukkehammaren (196KB) 7. Leirungen and Gjende (140KB) 8. Leirungsaai river (114KB) 9. Troll after climbing Knutshoe (192KB)

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