For Information, maps, trailhead and route descriptions, click HERE.
The "quest" for new Helgeland tops continued. This was my 3rd day in Brønnøysund. I had already attended a confirmation (most of day 1), but also visited Mosaksla, Tilremshatten, Kjøsvikfjellet and Lysingen. The rain I expected on Lysingen the evening before, came late evening, and this morning was a grey and rainy one.
Mom and I decided to visit Kjølsfjellet - a short hike to a low top. Actually, Mom wanted to visit Guromannen, while I also wanted to visit the high point. She had been to Guromannen and Salbuhatten before, but never on the highest point - Kjølsfjellet. Possibly, this top has never been part of Fjelltrimmen.
Mom, my dog Troll and I left the parking 08:50AM. The walk across the meadow was a wet one, and not at all pleasant. Troll, seemingly incapable of any protests when INTERESTING people come along, had a rough time in the wetlands, and a protest seemed to be around the corner. But he found the animal inside, and kept on going.
We reached the Guromannen cairn 09:30AM, and it was still raining. After signing the visitor register, we moved on towards Kjølsfjellet. The walk didn't take long, and by 09:52AM, we had reached the high point on this mountain. This would have been a great place to photograph the Velfjorden mountains, hadn't it been for the low clouds. The only upside was a new top and the exercise.
We proceeded towards Salbuhatten, which we reached 10:17AM. I couldn't quite understand why they had put up the cairn 85m NW of the high point, but I'm not going to exhaust myself trying to find out why. The dog was truly in misery by now. Fortunately, Mom had brought along some slices of bread, which served as some kind of conciliation.
The descent from Salbuhatten was uneventful, and we were back at the trailhead 10:54AM. I had, early morning, decided to visit Kverntinden after this hike, and we drove separate cars. So, next on the agenda was the cool Kverntinden.
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To Guromannen
To Kjølsfjellet
To Salbuhatten
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