Harbor seals in Lustrafjorden
(Click for larger image)
On this Saturday, Anne and me drove to Vedvik by
Lustrafjorden, from where we went out in kayaks. Anne brought her own, while I
borrowed one from Luster Turlag. It was raining, and the mountains didn't feel
so tempting today. So this was a very good option!
Just after passing Ytre Eikjo, we
met a small colony of harbor seals (Steinkobbe - Phoca vitulina), and we stuck
around for quite a while - at least until we realized that they weren't coming any
closer. A very fun encounter!
The plan was to go to Solvorn, but
our backs were in pain and we decided to turn around at Lęgene. We're not
youngsters anymore |(
The total trip was approx. 11km.
The next time I return, I shall bring a zoom lens!
Anne on Lustrafjorden
(Click for larger image)