Høgevarde, 1459m
Ranten, 1419m

Mountain area: Norefjell/Eggedal, Buskerud

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Ranten (left) and Hogevarde seen from Tempelseter

Access from Gol:
Exit from highway 7 at Bromma. Follow signs towards Eggedal. At Eggedal, follow signs towards Noresund and Tempelseter Fjellstue. Tempelseter is 6km from the Noresund road.

Access from Oslo:
Exit from Highway 7 at Noresund. Follow the main road upwards. Continue past Norefjell on the gravel road and exit towards Tempelseter Fjellstue when you see the sign.

Parking is available at Tempelseter. Note that there is a NOK 30,- fee for the Eggedal - Noresund road, and another NOK 30,- for the road up to the Tempelseter. This is for cars. Other prices apply for other vehicles. Carry coins for the ticket machines.

The trail:

From Tempelseter, the trail begins behind the recreation vehicle parking. There are also trailhead signs. The trail runs up a gravel road, and turns into a regular trail after the bridge. The trail runs along the Tempelbekken stream and just before the top of the pass, the trails to Ranten (left) and Høgevarde (right) fork.

From Ranten, I climbed down the southwest ridge to make a round-trip.

When I left for Høgevarde in late may, the rotten snow made it pointless to follow the trail up the valley, so I headed directly for the mountain.

Hogevarde/Ranten Map

Hogevarde is the highest mountain in Flå kommune. Ranten lies in Sigdal kommune. The hike only took 1h 45m, despite the bad snow. Trailhead begins at approx. 950m.

Pictures: (move cursor to read notes, and click on the images to see full version)

Some of the thumbnails may have been cropped to fit the format

Hogevarde summit (93KB) Ranten summit seen from the river crossing at the beginning of the trail, May 17 1998 (236KB) Ranten summit seen from the river crossing at the beginning of the trail, May 25 2001 (93KB) Hemsedal mountains seen from Hogevarde (262KB) Gaustatoppen seen from Hogevarde (164KB) Neighbour mountains east of lake Kroderen (381KB) Norefjell (275KB) Above Norefjell (490KB) Above Norefjell (563KB) Norefjell and Krøderen (410KB) Norefjell (450KB) Norefjell Norefjell

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