Image Slideshow
The hotel room
Our wing
Ehrm.. breakfast music
Anne likes the breakfast place
The breakfast place
The swimming pool
The hotel garden
The hotel garden
The hotel garden
The hotel garden
Hotel staff
Younglings. We did not see them again...
Pretty little duck
The hotel garden
The hotel garden
One of Balis many statues
The fish on our wing
Lots of them!
Someone is having fun!
Beach by hotel
The guy is returning
That looks fun!
Beach by the hotel
Hotel garden
Incredibly many frogs in the evening
The beach at night
The beach at night
Morning run at sunrise
A swim before breakfast
A local that we met several times
Playing dead
Another local
The route, seen in Google Earth
Ready for departure
At the Besakih trailhead
On our way!
The Besakih corridors
A glance at the temple
Snake on the trail
At the second temple
Back on the trail
A quick break. The Slovenians in the background
On the west ridge
Day is dawning
Gung Bawa
Making progress
Gunung Abang
The Slovenians are on our tail
The middle top
The final yards to the west top
Celebrations on the west top
Celebrations on the west top
We believed this was the summit
Anne on me on the west top
Feeling the headache coming along
West top panorama
On our way to the summit point
On our way to the summit point
On our way to the summit point
Gungung Abang
On our way to the summit point
Volcano feature
Across the middle top
The crater
Rinjani on Lomboc
On Gunung Abung summit
On Gunung Abung summit
On Gunung Abung summit
View from Agung
Looking back on the west top
Richard on top
Anne studies the crater
Volcano feature
Descending Agung
Down the west ridge
Down the west ridge
Down the west ridge
Agung casts a shadow
Below the cliffs
The small temple by the cliffs
Richard is patched up
Gung makes breakfast
Our breakfast spot
Anne and her Mangosteen
We have company!
Down the forest
Big roots and high steps
Forest monster
Nice trees
The second temple
The second temple
On the way to Besakih
On the forest trail
On the forest trail
On the forest trail
Back at Besakih
Back at Besakih
Anne buys a coconut
Anne buys a coconut
Our drivers are waiting
Back at Gungs office
Traffic picture on the way back to Sanur
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